| 23 August 2021

Engineers Australia updates climate change action platform

Engineers Australia has released its Draft Engineers Australia Position on Climate Change that encapsulates the urgent action required by engineers, business, government, and the community.

In its updated position statement, Engineers Australia urges the Government to develop and implement an economy-wide strategy to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

Recommendations include the implementation of ambitious emissions reduction milestones and an economy-wide emissions pricing mechanism to foster innovation and investment.

Engineers Australia invited feedback on the updated position’s recommendations by Wednesday 8 September.

The new Draft Engineers Australia Position on Climate Change updates and extends the 2014 Engineers Australia Climate Change Policy.

It considers advances in climate science and supports the scientific authority of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The draft position is supplemented by its companion document with further detail, Position on Climate Change: Supporting Information.

Engineers Australia CEO, Dr Bronwyn Evans AM, said the updated position recognised the need for the engineering profession to scale up its existing vital role in enhancing national resilience, adapting to the changing climate and continuing to cut emissions to mitigate the extent of future change.

“The engineering profession is at the centre of the economic and social transition needed to effectively address climate change, and Engineers Australia stands ready and committed to leading the way.”

Evans thanked members and volunteers who have contributed to consultations on climate change over many years and welcomed further feedback on the draft.

The development of this draft position has been informed by membership-wide consultation in 2019, Engineers Australia’s 2020 Engineering Responses to Climate Change Roundtable and 2021 discussions with office bearers including the Chairs of the Sustainable Engineering Society and the Environmental College.