| 06 April 2016

A new cost effective pathway to RPEQ

This news article was originally published in April 2016. For more current information please see Engineers Australia's Queensland Registration information. 

A new pathway to Registered Professional Engineer Queensland (RPEQ) has opened with accreditation of Engineers Australia’s National Engineering Register (NER).

We encourage all members to review the simple requirements for NER and lodge your application for recognition.

This new and cost effective streamlined pathway meets the competency requirements to apply for RPEQ, which is your legal obligation to practice independently as an engineer in Queensland.

The added benefit of going through the NER is that you will be on the largest publicly searchable register in the country run by the peak body for the profession.

Once you have been assessed and received a successful outcome for the NER you will then need to apply for RPEQ via the Board of Professional Engineers Queensland.

There is no assessment fee for Chartered members to join the NER, while other members of Engineers Australia will need to pay a $330 assessment fee. An annual fee of $96 applies to maintain NER registration.

By meeting NER requirements and registration through RPEQ you demonstrate that you meet the minimum legal requirements to practice under the Professional Engineers Act in Queensland, which provides confidence to the community and employers. It is important to note that Chartered status remains our premium internationally benchmarked badge of competence that all practicing engineers should aspire to achieve. Chartered status also remains as an accreditation pathway for RPEQ.