| 02 July 2019

Round tables and regional forums

Roundtables are an open forum for industry leaders, government, partners, education providers and Engineers Australia representatives to collaborate, discuss, and solve contemporary issues faced by the profession in the modern age.

What’s been discussed so far in 2019?

Reputation, Liability and Risk: Getting it right first time!was the theme for the first Senior Executive Roundtable of 2019 hosted by Sydney Division in April.

Senior leaders from across the engineering consultancy and construction sector heard from keynote speaker Prof Mark Hoffman on his findings and recommendations from the inquiry into the Opal Tower incident, and how these relate to recommendations made in the Shergold Weir Report.

Transport 2056: An integrated transport strategy for NSW was the theme for the second roundtable held in June. Tim Raimond Chief Transport Planner, Transport for NSW presented on the changing mindset and planning hierarchy in TfNSW developed to deliver the future transport vision and outcomes focused on customers, successful places, growing economy, safety and performance, accessibility and sustainability.

Air Commodore James Hood AO attended both roundtables to talk to the actions taken by the ADF to address capacity, capability, competence and currency to sustain the future engineering workforce.

Next up: Inland Rail – what does it mean for the Central West?  This provided the context for the Central West Regional Forum at Charles Sturt University on 12 June. 

The Regional Forums, held in a different location for each instalment, look to provide a medium for local engineers to showcase projects and concepts to local professionals.

A packed room heard from Ian Smith (Director Regional NSW), Kent Boyd (GM Parkes Shire Council), Howard Renshaw (Tulla Group) and Josh Kaurila (ARTC) on the challenges and opportunities the rail corridor will bring, now and in the decades to come, as we look to sustain and grow the communities and economy of regional NSW.

In addition to the Forum, Engineers Australia delivered a range of activities including a Public Lecture: Anything is Possible by Division GM Greg Ewing, two screenings of Dream Big! to audiences of local school students, a Chartered Workshop and evening Networking Reception.