| 05 April 2019

Supporting Victoria’s Students and Growing Grads: Engineers Australia and the Frontier Community

Engineers Australia is supporting engineering students and graduates through a range of events and initiatives, encouraging young engineers to create new beliefs, connections and possibilities.

On 25th February engineering graduates were invited to attend Melbourne’s Graduate Welcome Reception, where they could network with like-minded young engineering professionals in a relaxed environment.

Almost 150 graduates attended, where they were also able to meet representatives from Young Engineers Australia Victoria and learn more about opportunities for young engineers through Engineers Australia, and more about the committee’s activities.

Elevation, held in Melbourne on Thursday 21 March, saw 189 students given the opportunity to speak with prospective employers to learn more about what it’s like to work for them, as well as additional opportunities to network and ask all-important questions of experienced engineers.

As Engineers Australia’s tailored career expo, Elevation is tailored towards final year engineering students and soon to be graduate engineers to help them transition into the workforce.

The event also allowed the 18 companies exhibiting to showcase their graduate programs, internships and other employment opportunities.

The Elevation series is an initiative of Frontier, the community for student and graduate members of Engineers Australia.

Providing a range of resources and benefits created to provide tailored support, guidance and advice on all things relating to university, graduating, getting a job and finding your professional feet, Frontier is designed to support student and graduate members on their journey to where they want to be.

To provide year-round support, Engineers Australia members also now have access to Engineers Australia’s Jobs Board, dedicated to Students and Graduate members.

Full of vacancies at hundreds of companies around the country including Australia's best employers actively hiring engineering graduates, it shows opportunities for graduate programs, internships, vacation placements, work experience and early career roles up to four years’ post-graduation.

Engineering students and graduates are encouraged to keep an eye on upcoming Engineers Australia events for more opportunities to network and grow their careers.

Image: Melbourne Graduates at Elevation