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Engineers Australia accredited programs cover
Engineers Australia | April 2024

Engineers Australia accredited programs

A comprehensive list of Engineers Australia accredited engineering programs from Australian tertiary and VET education providers. This list is updated regularly.

Project awards handbook  cover
Engineers Australia | March 2024

Excellence Awards 2024: Project Award entry handbook

The Project of the Year Award recognises Australia’s top engineering projects and the teams behind them. These projects inspire and encourage engineering distinction through teamwork, innovation and technical excellence. 


This handbook provides everything you need to know about nominating for the 2024 award. 

Light blue background with red text and a red cube
Engineers Australia | April 2023

Submission to inquiry into developing advanced manufacturing in Australia

Developing Australia’s domestic capability in digital technologies is a must. Engineers Australia calls for government to look at the skills and resource requirements needed to upskill or reskill the workforce to achieve advanced manufacturing capability.

Light blue background with red text and a red cube
Engineers Australia | April 2023

Submission to the Australian Universities Accord

Engineers Australia's submission to the Australian Universities Accord, Aligning education with Australia's national interests, highlights the importance of engineers in our current and future workforce. We outline the significance of higher education in developing engineers to support Australia's sovereign capability and prosperity. 

aqua background with navy document symbol
Engineers Australia | April 2022

Commercialisation of engineering innovation

Despite having one of the world’s most educated and wealthy populations, Australia remains a chronic underperformer when it comes to the commercialisation of engineering innovation.

Enhancing productivity in infrastructure delivery policy directions paper
Engineers Australia | March 2022

Enhancing productivity in infrastructure delivery

This document provides recommendations for implementation by Australian governments, in collaboration with industry and academia, to increase productivity in the infrastructure sector and to determine how engineers can best contribute to these aspirations. 

Intergrating DER in the gird, energy discussion paper cover
Engineers Australia | March 2022

Discussion paper: integrating DER in the grid

This discussion paper is intended to stimulate a conversation about what is possible for DER integration, and how Engineers Australia should engage with it.

Working with teachers on STEM projects cover
Engineers Australia | March 2022

Working with teachers on STEM projects

The guidance set out in these guidelines focuses primarily on establishing and maintaining sound relationships with teachers for each of the above endeavours.

Australia's skilled migration program submission
Engineers Australia | March 2021

Australia's skilled migration program

In this submission, Engineers Australia demonstrates that demand for engineers in Australia will always outstrip supply from domestic entry level graduates. A skilled migration program will, therefore, always be needed.

Diversity and inclusion positioning statement cover
Engineers Australia | April 2020

Engineers Australia’s Diversity and Inclusion Positioning Statement

Engineers Australia is committed to an engineering profession that is as diverse as the community it serves and as the peak body for Australian engineering, we must lead the way.
Publication cover
Engineers Australia | April 2020

Australia's next generation of engineers: university statistics for engineering

This report presents Australian higher education statistics for engineering to 2018, focusing on the contribution of engineering education to increasing the national supply of engineers. It also provides detailed statistics for each state and territory and a discussion about the distribution of course commencements and completions between them.

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Engineers Australia | April 2016

Strategies to address risks related to non-conforming building products

Engineers Australia's feedback on the Senior Officers Group report on strategies to address risks related to non-conforming building products.

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We work with publishing house Taylor & Francis to publish technical journals and encourage members to submit their own papers.

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